Osaka & Kansai Area Events

Saiwaki Japanese Culture Experience [open on weekends (Friday to Sunday)]: Enjoy kimono, calligraphy and Japanese cuisine. Please visit:

Swing by for an online language exchange

Need a roomate? Got an extra room to share? Place a free ad in today!

First Egyptian restaurant, cafe, and bar in Kyoto. Shisha lounge. Come and enjoy the atmosphere. Belly dancers show weekly. Contact 0906008419

Endangered Languages Study Group. 絶滅危惧言語勉強会、Free membership / attendance 無料 planned to be held around Kobe on Saturdays 神戸市 土曜日予定 080-5717-0126 Mark マルク

Everyone is invited for the party. Join us and meetup with many International people at the party.

Looking for language exchange, a good laugh or got a sweet tooth? Then check our event

Free party in Osaka. Check Kansai Friends on Facebook for more.

Danish Christmas Lunch with presents event:

English Rakugo event will be held on Dec. 10 at Senba2 Place. It is on the second basement floor of the Second Building of Senba Center Buildings. The event will start at 2pm. Admission free. Check Tommy’s English Rakugo on YouTube. Looking forward to seeing you then.

In Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Saitama or Chiba? Visit

Hiring? Need a teacher now? Place your teacher wanted ad on today!

Join Danish Easter lunch with drinks. See details:

Halloween event 2 drinks and 2 tapas 1500. Join the fun and check the details here

Got a group in Kansai? Looking for more members? Let everyone know by submitting a free ad to today!

American Blacks in Japan. Welcome fellow American Blacks in Japan.! I am creating this space for two reasons: 1) Give American Blacks a chance to form a community around our common culture. 2) Have workshops / events teaching the general public about aspects of American Black culture. See you there.

Ever tried Danish food? Join our summer food event the 25th and 26th.

Event for British dads in the Osaka / Kobe / Himeji area. A chance to get together without the Mrs, and relax for a few hours. Premier league supporters especially welcome. If no one can cook fish ‘n chips then we’ll do a drive through at McDons.

Looking for something? Got something to sell or promote? Place an free ad at today.

Looking for meeting new people online for free? Then join our language exchange the 23rd, more info here:

Looking for meeting new people online for free? Then join our language exchange the 28th, more info here:

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